University of Virginia Library



Come to me, answer, wherever thou art,
Life of my being, light of my heart!
Follow the music that floats from afar,
Silvery soft as the chime of a star.
Fondly it flows from my spirit to thine,
Led by a magic, unerring, divine,
Winding to thee like a leaf-hidden rill,—
Follow and find me! I wait for thee still!
Let not the melody, dainty and sweet,
Waste its wild pleading, and die at thy feet!
It has found thee—to its destiny true;—
Follow, oh! follow the musical clue!
Trust! it shall lead thee to something afar,
Lovely and pure as the light of a star.
Come to me—answer, wherever thou art,
Life of my being, and hope of my heart!
Let not a doubt o'er thy pathway arise,
Chilling thy spirit and blinding thine eyes;
Trust! 'tis thy destiny, sacred and sweet,
Lures thee to follow her musical feet.
List to no other lay—look to no light—
Here is a beacon will burn for thy flight.
Follow, and find me, wherever thou art,
Follow the tune to its home in my heart!