University of Virginia Library


[What matters it to pray]

What matters it to pray
To God, in Jesu's name,
Unless we feel the words we say,
And hang upon the Lamb?
The Lamb for sinners slain,
If strangers to His blood,
We only take His name in vain,
And mock the' almighty God.
Father of mercies, show
What we by nature were,
Children of wrath, and doom'd below
Eternal pains to bear:
When Jesus Christ Thy Son
For helpless sinners died,
That all who trust in Him alone
May know Thee pacified.
In Him if we believe,
Thy mercies we partake,
Who all good things art pleased to give
To man for Jesu's sake:
We durst not ask Thine aid,
Or hope to' obtain Thy love,
But that His blood for us was shed,
And speaks for us above.


Wherefore to Thee we cry,
Through Thy beloved Son,
And fix on Him our steadfast eye,
Who stands before Thy throne;
The good desires we feel,
From Him, we own, they came,
And them, according to Thy will,
Present in Jesu's name.
Our prayers to His unite,
And as Thy Son's receive,
And give, who ask in Jesu's right,
To us Thy blessing give.
Whate'er we thus desire,
The suit of Jesus is:
Hear then, and raise Thy glory higher,
By our eternal bliss.