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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 30-41. Removal of snow, sleet and ice.[407]

It shall be the duty of every occupant of every house or
lot which abuts upon a sidewalk or footway of stone, brick
or wood to have all snow removed from such sidewalk or footway
within six hours after the same shall have ceased falling,
unless such snow shall have fallen during the night or on
Sunday, in which case it shall be removed by 12:00 Noon the
day following. The same requirements shall exist with respect
to ice or sleet on sidewalks or footways, except that the
same, when it cannot be removed without injury to the sidewalk
or footway, shall be covered, within the period of time
specified, with sand, ashes or some other substance which
will render it safe for travel. Whenever any house or lot is
unoccupied, it shall be the duty of the owner or the agent of
the owner thereof to have the snow or ice removed from his
sidewalk or footway as above required of occupants. Every
six hours that such snow or ice is allowed to remain in violation
of this section shall constitute a separate offense. (Code
1959, § 30-41.)


For charter provision authorizing city to require occupants of
buildings to remove snow, etc., from sidewalks, see Char., § 14.