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[Author and End of my desires]

Author and End of my desires,
From whom my every blessing flow'd,
I would whate'er Thy will requires;
Whate'er Thy will requires is good.
I would (but Thou must give the power)
From all beside my will avert;
Nor ever grieve Thy goodness more,
Nor ever follow my own heart.
Spring of all good, Thy will I own,
The fountain of all evil mine;
Father, let mine no more be done.
Let all obey the will Divine.
We came into the world to do
The will of Him that placed us here,
And who their own desires pursue
Can never in Thy sight appear.
What then shall of our souls become,
Used our own pleasures to fulfil?
Eternal death must be the doom
Of all that follow their own will.


But, O to Thee for help we cry;
Save, or we sink into the pit;
Ourselves assist us to deny,
And to Thy blessed will submit.
Father, for Jesu's sake alone,
Thine all-sufficient grace impart,
Save us, in honour of Thy Son,
And Godward turn the selfish heart.
So shall we every moment feel,
(When Thou the Holy Ghost hast given,)
To do our cursed will, is hell,
To do Thy blessed will, is heaven.