The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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Psalm. CXXXII.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
Psalm. CXXXII.
The Argument.
This Psalm doth pray: for good successe,Of all thy realmes: & priesthodes state:
So Dauids oathe: this vow hys stresse,
VVhat god him hight: it doth debate.
Yt Christ expresse.
13 Canticum graduum.
Remember Lord: meke Dauid king,And al his hard: affliction,
For his good sake: by pityenge,
Amoue from vs: confusion.
Haue hym in mynd.
How he in good: deuotion,To thee hys Lord: hymselfe dyd bynde,
By othe and vow: to God most hye,
To thee I say: strong Iacobs frende.
Thus constantly.
Be it my shame: if I go in,My Cabborne house: in rest to lygh:
If I my sheetes: thrust me betwene,
And clyme my couche: in fethers soft,
Blame might I winne.
Or els if I: myne eyes aloft,Should geue them sleepe: myne eies the lids,
To suffer them: to slumber oft,
Though fast they craue: to fill their needes,
Then fall myne house.
Untill I fynde: without all dreades,The Lord a place: commodious:
A sacrary: and temple sweete,
To Iacobs God: victorious.
To hym most meete.
Of this place lo: I Salomon,In Ephrata: hard there in streete,
And found we haue: this holy throne,
In Ornans field: wyth woodes beset.
O come ye on.
To his fayre tentes: go we to fet,To temple built: hys arke of grace:
And bowe we low: with honour great,
To his footestoole: hye set in place.
And thus say we.
Aryse O Lord: and kepe thy place,Of quiet rest: no more to flee:
O thou thy selfe: soone thither moue,
Thyne arke of strength: conioynd with thee,
O Lord of loue.
And let thy priestes: be deckt alway,Wyth right and health: as them behouth:
Let all thy saintes: reioyce I say,
So blest by thee: to prayse the due.
Both nyght and day.
For Dauids sake: thy seruant true,To whome thy grace: did louely spring
Shame not my face: so chosen new,
Thyne owne (O Lord) annoynted king,
My hart to freat.
The Lord in fayth: sware promising,To Dauid backe: he wyll not treat:
Of thyne owne wombes: engendred frute,
I will to one: bestow thy seat.
All lyke in sute.
If that in truth: thy childerne wyll,My pact and statutes: execute:
Which I will teach: then shall euen still
Thy childern sit: thy throne for aye.
Wyth my good will.
For why the Lord: without denay,Hath Zyon mount: elect in choyce:
He much desird: that it should lay,
As seate wherof: he would reioyce,
And thus he sayd.
Here shall my rest: from troubly noyse,Remayne full sure: for euer stayd,
Here will I dwell: for her I wisht,
In my desire: full well apayd.
Of her I wist.
Her vitayles all: with full increase,Shall blesse alway: my blissefull fiste,
Her poore to feede: wyth bread at ease,
I will them all: full satisfy,
If me they please.
I will their priestes: adourne on hye,With helth; wyth truth: wyth lyfe, wt light:
And they his saintes: shall sanctify,
That they may ioy: in hartes delight,
With holines.
There Dauids horne: and regall might,I will it make: to florish fresh.
And there I will: a lyght prouide,
To myne owne Christ: by frutes successe,
Of Dauids syde.
And all hys foes: wyth vtter shame,I will them clothe: and them deryde
As yet for hym, hys crowne, and name,
Shall florish out: both large and brode,
In blessed fame.
So graunt in God.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||