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Mundi et Cordis

De Rebus Sempiternis et Temporariis: Carmina. Poems and Sonnets. By Thomas Wade

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Hold up thy head, Sweet Friend! Be not cast down!
What is't to us whether men smile, or frown?
Upon each other's life and love we've built
A regal tower, wherein our crown'd hearts dwell
Upon one throne, all unassailable
By the democracy of base Opinion!
Be not self-humbled, Love! Virtue and guilt
Are words misunderstood. The World's dominion
Is one stern tyranny o'er human hearts,
Which they must strive against; or ever lie
In dungeons of great grief, where petty arts
Of petty souls, whose grace is cruelty
Worse than their hate, shall with a thousand stings
Torture away sweet Life, and all the Love it brings!