University of Virginia Library




Blest are the dormant
In death: they repose
From bondage and torment,
From passions and woes,
From the yoke of the world and the snares of the traitor—
The grave, the grave is the true liberator!


Griefs chase one another
Around the earth's dome;
In the arms of the mother
Alone is our home.
Woo pleasure, ye triflers! The thoughtful are wiser;
The grave, the grave is their one tranquilliser!
Is the good man unfriended
On life's ocean path,
When storms have expended
Their turbulent wrath?
Are his labours requited by slander and rancour?
The grave, the grave is his sure bower-anchor!
To gaze on the faces
Of lost ones anew,
To lock in embraces
The loved and the true,
Were a rapture to make even Paradise brighter.
The grave, the grave is the great re-uniter!
Crown the corpse, then, with laurels,
The conqueror's wreath,
Make joyous with carols
The chamber of death,
And welcome the victor with cymbal and psalter:
The grave, the grave is the only exalter!