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Thy bread cast on the waters diff'rent ways,
And thou shalt find it after many days.


To seven and eight a portion give; for thou
Know'st not what ill shall be on earth below.


If that the clouds be full of rain, they will
Empty themselves, and on the earth distil:
And if the tree fall South or North, ev'n where
The tree shall fall, it surely shall be there.


Who foolishly observes the wind, or who
Regards the clouds, shall neither reap nor sow.


As thou know'st not which way the spirits come,
Nor how the bones engender in the womb
Of her with child; so canst thou never know
The works of God, that maketh all things grow.


Then in the morning sow thy seed; and when
The ev'ning-comes, thy sowing not refrain:
For sure thou know'st not whether that or this
Shall prosper well, or both alike increase.



'Tis truly sweet and pleasant for the eye
To see the light and sun shine from on high.


But if a man live many years, and shall
Take much delight, rejoicing in them all;
Yet let him mind the days of darkness, they
Shall many be, and all in vanity.


Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let
Thy youthful days on cheerfulness be set:
Walk in the ways which thine own heart devise,
And after what is pleasing to thine eyes:
But know thou, surely God for ev'ry thing
Will thee one day unto his judgment bring.


Therefore remove all sorrow from thy heart,
And cause all evil from thy flesh depart:
For all may know this for a certainty,
Childhood and youth are surely vanity.