University of Virginia Library

[Seint Martin was ibore ]

Seint Martin was ibore in þe lond of Tabarie
Wel ȝung he was ynorisched in þe lond of Papie
An heȝ knyȝt his fader was & al maister of þe furde
In Constantines hous þemperour & al his ost sturde
In bataille ȝung he brouȝte his sone þer on him to lere
Non hurte nadde he þerto for hi heþene were
For his hurte him bar euere to God þeȝ he Cristne nere
He seȝ þat þe bileue nas naȝt þat hi bileouede þere
To churche þo he was ten ȝer old stilleliche he wende
& bihet oure Louerd Cristene to beo whan he þe tyme him sende
Þemperour sende in to al þat lond to eche olde kniȝte
Þat þe sone schulde in bataille for his fade[r] fiȝte
So þat seint Martin nas bote of vyftene ȝer
Þo þe armes of his fader in to bataille [h]e ber
A wyn[ter] as þis child rod bi þe wey alone
A pouere man he mette naked þat sore for chile gan grone
Seint Martin breid out his swerd as we fyndeþ in bok
His mantel he carf half atwo & þis pouere man bitok
Ac he bihuld sone afterward vp into heuene anheȝ
Wiþ his helue mantel iheled oure Louerd Crist he seȝ
Lo he seide to his angles þis neworþ me noȝt bireued
Martin þat is heþene ȝut hermid me haþ biweued


Þo seint Martin þis ihurde & oure Louerd iseȝ þere
Glad ne bliþe nolde he beo er he icristned were
Eiȝtetene ȝer he was old þo he icristned was
Þat he hadde so longe abide ofte he seide allas
Ac al þe tuo ȝer afterward in bataille he wende
For his fader wide aboute as his fader him sende
Hit biful of a gret bataille þat þemperour hadde ynome
He het alle his kniȝtes clene sone to him come
Seint Martin he het wiþ hem wende & armes wiþ hem take
Certes sire quaþ seint Martin þin armes ich habbe forsake
Ich am Iesu Cristes kniȝt & so ich habbe ibeo longe
Non oþer armes bote his ynele neuereft afonge
Hey coward quaþ þemperour nou þu sparest for fere
To fiȝte wiþ þi felawes as þi riȝt were
Sire quaþ seint Martin þat soþe þu schalt iseo
Of þyn armes nekepe y noȝt ac þe furste ich wole beo
Alone ich wole tofore þin ost naked to bataille
Mi Louerdes miȝte þu schalt iseo for he me nele noȝt faille
Þo þis furde ȝare was seint Martin wende anon
Vnyarmed & his swerd adrawe among his fon echon
Þo þat he among hem com þer nas of hem noȝt on
Þat miȝte more hebbe vp his hond þan miȝte þe dede ston
Þe maistrie hi [ȝ]ulde vp anon bote þat hi hulde him alyue
Seint Martin clepede his felawes & he[t] hem com blyue
& seide þu sixt sire emperour which is mi Louerdes miȝte
Er ȝe alle hadde þus ido moche me moste fiȝte
Nou þu hast alle þine fon iwonne þonke God & noȝt me
Haue god day for ynele nou nomore serui þe
He nom his leue & wende forþ he nolde no leng abide
To þe holi bischop seint Hillari þat wonede þer biside


Of him accolit he was ymaked & dude al bi his dede
Oure Louerd to him sende a niȝt & þuse wordes seide
Ich hote þe Martin þat þu go ofte among þi kynne
Spek wiþ hem if þu miȝt oȝt hem bringe of synne
Þeȝ hi heþene beo ne lef þu noȝt þerfore
For god man schal his kyn honure þat he was of ibore
Ac þu schalt suffri gret anuy as þu gost aboute
Ac þe while þu mi grace hast neschal þe noþing doute
Þis gode man as oure Louerd him het to his kyn gan wende
Bi þe wey he mette stronge outlawes here bowes hi gonne bende
Sone þis gode man hi nome & makede him stronge wounde
Forþ hi ladden him to sle his honden faste ibounde
Þis outlawes eschte wher he were so sore ofdrad euere
Certes quaþ þis holi man so siker nas ich neuere
For mi Louerdes help nis nowhar so neȝ as he is in care
So moche is þerto myn hope y nerecche hou ich fare
Of Iesu Crist he tolde so wiþ hem þat him nome
Þat hi him lete go al sauf & Cristene bicome
Þis gode man ȝeode forþ alone & þe deuel aȝen him com
In faire manere he eschte of him whoder þane wey he nom
Ich wole go quaþ þis gode man as oure Louerd wole lede me
Whoder þu go þoþer seide þe deuel wole beo aȝe þe
Ȝe quaþ þis gode man þu most wel mid him also
For whanne mi Louerd is myn help y nereche what oþere me do
Þis gode man ȝeode among his kyn his moder Cristene he made
His fader nolde Cristene beo for al þat hi him bade
Seint Martin fond a ȝung man ded þat wel wiþ him was
Þat bileouede on oure Louerd ac icristned he nas
Gret deol makede þis holi man þat he nere icristned er


To his tumbe he ȝeode & bad for him & wep meni o ter
Þo gan þis dede man fram deþe arise to lyue
Martin he seide ihered beo þu & oure Louerdes woundes fyue
Mi soule was to helle ilad as alle beoþ of oure cunde
Ac tuei angles þurf Godes grace of me hadde munde
& seide oure Louerd þat ich hadde þi disciple ibeo
Þerfore oure Louerd me dude grace for þe loue of þe
& let mi soule to þe bodi for þi loue hider bringe
Cristendom par charite ich esche bifore alle þinge
Gret ioye hadde þis holi man of þat ilke cas
He nolde parti fram him noȝt er he icristned was
Þat folc nom siþþe seint Martyn for he was so god
& makede him bischop of Tureyne moche aȝen his mod
Tuei myle wiþoute þe cite an abbay he let rere
Fourscore monekes of gode lyue he let sette þere
Wiþ hem he lyuede al in pees as he here souereyn were
He newende noȝt out bote for neode þat folc forto lere
In so holi lyf he was þat he hadde to his heste
Fur treo & wormes ek & þe cunde of fowel & beste
Fur wolde his heste do for o tyme an hous brende
Þurf strong wynd þat bleu þat fur to seint Martines hous hit wende
Er þis gode man hit vnderȝet ibrend hit hadde þat on ende
Seint Martin het a Godes name þat fur aȝe wende
Þat fur anon to his heste aȝe þe wynd gan wynde
To þe stede fram whan hit com & ne bileuede noȝt bihynde
& dude aȝe þe cunde of fur aȝe þe wynd to fleo
Þer me seȝ þat fur nemiȝte aȝen his heste beo
As ich seide er to his heste he hadde þe cunde of treo
As bi a fair miracle of him me mai iseo
A dai as vnder a treo he prechede Godes lawe


Þe liþere men þat þerbi stode þoȝte him bringe of dawe
Hi gonne to sawy atuo þis treo toward þis holi manne
Þat hit him afalle scholde for freond nadde he þer nanne
Þurf noyse of þe crusinge þe gode man ihurde
Þat þe treo ful toward him sone he him biturnde
He het þe treo a Godes name vpward aȝe turne
Þis treo aros vp anon for hit nolde his heste worne
& ouerful in þat oþer side meni of his fon
Hi þat ileouede lete hem sone cristni euerechon
Þe wormes buyde for as he wende bi a wateres brymme
A grislich addre aȝen him com bi þe watere swymme
Ich hote þe quaþ þis holi man þat þu aȝe wende
Þat þu neuereft her ne come nowhar in þis ende
Þis worm him turnde anon aȝe as þis holi man het
& swam faste in to anoþer lond & þulke contray forlet
Foweles dude his heste also for as he gan bi a watere gon
He seȝ douedoppes cacche fisch & swolewe hem anon
Allas quaþ þis gode man þis is þe deueles manere
Gulteles þing & vnywar swolewe as he doþ here
& þing þat non harm nedoþ bote weneþ in pees to beo
So awaiteþ þe deuel euere his preye forto seo
Þis foweles he het a Godes name echone hunne teo
Þat hi schulde into wyldernisse out of þe watere fleo
Þat hi neuereft þer necome gulteles þing to take
Þis foweles anon mid þe word þanneward gonne schake
Bestes dude also his heste for as he wende aboute
He seȝ after an hare vrne grihoundes a gret route
Awey he seide þis seli best þat noþing nedoþ amis
Þis foule houndes hit wolleþ gnawe gulteles as hit is
Þis grihoundes he het abide anon & þat best do no wo
Anon hi stente & ȝeode aȝen & lete þat best forþ go
To fewe such freond hi fyndeþ haren þat beoþ ydryue


Ten hondred þousend pound hi wolde for such an hunte ȝyue
Aboute his o man þer come also houndes meni on
So kene þat he nemiȝte him wite ne help nadde he non
Ich hote ȝou he seide a Godes name & in Martines mi louerd also
Þat ȝe me lete apays wende his erande forto do
Þis houndes anon mid þisse worde gonne to stonde stille
& turnde euerech in his wei to do seint Martines wille
A cou also þat gydi was orn aboute in þe londe
& sloȝ bestes & eke men whan heo fond eni stonde
Noþing nemiȝte hire stonde aȝe so strong þe schrewe was
Aȝen seint Martin heo cam vrne as oure Louerd ȝaf þat cas
Sore were þis men adrad þe gode man hire het anon
A Godes name stonde stille and noȝt ane fot fur gon
Þis best þeȝ hit gydi were anon hit gan abide
Seint Martin iseȝ þane deuel anoueward hire rugge ride
Liþere þing he seide what dostou þere euere þu dost to quede
Whi trauaillestou þis seli best þat ne doþ no misdede
Acursed þing þu wend awei ne com hire neȝ nomore
Þe schrewe wende anon awei wepinge wel sore
He nemiȝte bote his heste do nomore þan þe cou
Þo þe cou delyured was as ȝe hureþ nou
To seint Martin heo ȝeode softe & ful adoun anon
& schok hire heued him to þonki as heo nolde fram him gon
Seint Martin hire het vp arise & to hire felawes wende
To him heo loute & ȝeode forþ hom to hire owene ende
Apostles fere seint Martin was for þe Holi Gost aliȝte
In him as in þapostles dude in forme of fur briȝte
A dai as þis gode man sat alone in his celle
His priue men abide him wiþoute & ihurden him loude telle


As þeȝ hit a womman were hi hurde wiþ him speke
Þerof hem þoȝte wonder gret ne þerften hi noȝt in breke
Þo þis gode man siþþe out com hi fulle adoun akneo
Hi eschte of him what þe speche were þat wiþ him hadde ibeo
Ich ȝou mai telle quaþ þis gode man for ȝe beoþ to me priue
Hit was oure Leuedi & seint Anneis þat her inne were wiþ me
Of þe ioye of heuene hi speke wiþ me for ofte hi doþ so
Seint Peter & seint Poul me comeþ her ofte to
Seint Martin at Parys a mesel mette bicas
He custe him & anon þerafterward þe mesel hol man was
Me neseȝ him neuere enes wroþ ne liȝe neþemo
What so euere his men dude amis he wolde bi on go
In wel pore wede a dai he rod out vpe an asse
Heȝe men he mette bi þi wei þat tolde of him þe lasse
Here hors weren of him adrad for his pore cloþe
& fulde hem adoun & vrne abac þerfore hi were wroþe
Hi sturte vp & neme þis holi man & beoten him swiþe sore
He nespac wiþ hem noȝt o word þerfore hi beoten him þe more
Þo hi him hadde sore ibete hi him bileuede atan ende
Ligginge & worþe vpe here hors forþward forto wende
Ac here hors nolde go ane fot for al þat hi miȝte
Smyte mid ȝeord oþer mid spore er þat hi aliȝte
& cride merci þis gode man þat hi him hadde misdo
Ac here hors hem bere forþ anon þo hi toke on so
In an hous þe while hit brende he slep wiþoute harme
His cloþes brende al to cole he nevelde hit noȝt enes warme
Attan heȝ feste as he scholde þe heȝe masse singe
To churche he wende wiþ alle his men me gan aȝen him ringe


A pore man he mette naked þat noþing him nadde aboue
Som þing he bad to helie him wiþ for oure Louerdes loue
Seint Martin bad his arcedekne þat he him scholde ȝyue som cloþ
Þe arcedekne tolde þerof lute he nolde he swor his oþ
Bote cope iupe & curtel seint Martin on him nadde
His curtel he ȝaf þe pore man in an hous þer he him ladde
To churche wende þis gode man in his cope alone
He nemiȝte þe masse bigynne noȝt þat folc makede þerof mone
Whi neltou quaþ þis arcedekne þe masse bigynne
A pore man quaþ seint Martin som cloþ þu most er iwynne
Nou is hit quaþ þarcedekne a gret anuy of þe
Whi deale y neseo no pore man aboute þe
No quaþ þis holi man hit nele þe failli noȝt
Al prest þe tit a pore man habbe þu þat cloþ iboȝt
Þar[ce]dekne in grete wraþþe wende to chepinge
A vyl cloþ he bouȝte for his pans þe bischop he gan hit bringe
Þe bischop ȝeode into þe vestiarie his cloþes he gan of strupe
He nadde vnder his vestementȝ noþing bote his iupe
Vneþe hit helede his durne lymes & vneþe his elbowe
For his bare armes atte masse he hadde grete howe
For his vestementȝ wide were his armes smale & lene
Leste his armes were bare iseȝe h[e] neþerfte hebbe vp his honden ene
Ac þo he nede atte sacrement his honden hebbe vp scholde
An angel helede his armes nakede wiþ tuei sleues of golde
& þo þe masse was ido as al þat folc iseȝ


A briȝt leome of liȝt fram his heued to heuene tilde an heyȝ
To heuene wende þis angel siþþe wiþ þe sleuen of golde
Þe arcedekne him cride merci & bihet þat nomore misdo him he nolde
Þe deuel hadde to þis holi man gret enuye mid alle
Him to bitraye he cam o tyme in reche cloþes of palle
Wiþ hosen & schon of briȝt gold swiþe fair was his face
Martin he seide wel þe beo ifonde þu hast mi grace
Ich am God þat þu seruest wel ich wole me schewe to þe
Þu most sone changi þi lyf & come bi tyme to me
Seint Martin sat in gret þoȝt no word he nesede
Martin mi freond quaþ þe deuel wharof hastou drede
Whan þin owe God spekeþ mouþe wiþ mouþe wiþ þe
For ich blesci alle þat on me bileoueþ þat me nemowe noȝt iseo
& er þis whan þu neseȝe me noȝt in þulke blescing þu woldest beo
& nouþe ert in drede & iseost her me
I nuste neuere quaþ þis gode man þat mi Louerd sede
Þat he wolde an vrþe come in kynges wede
Bote ich mowe of mi Louerdes wondes in þe signe iseo
Oþer of his croiȝ ynele ileoue noȝt þat þu hit beo
Þis foule þing wende anon awei him þoȝte he hadde a boule
Þe stede þerafter swiþe longe of him stank wel foule
Wel narewe þe schrewe him biþenȝþ gode men to bitraye
Nou sorwe & sor him beo next fram daye to daye
Seint Martin iseȝ his endedai wel longe er hit come
Sori were his disciples & gret deol to hem nome


Leoue fader hi seide what woltou do whi woltou ous forsake
Ous faderles wiþoute confort whar woltou ous bitake
Nou wolleþ wylde wolues come & alle þe schep aspille
Ich mot nede quaþ þis gode man do mi Louerdes wille
He makede of axen & of his her a bed at his endedai
& þer feble aȝen his deþ vpriȝt adoun he lai
& þo to heuene he bihuld anheȝ so longe þat hit nas non ende
Me þoȝte þat hit dude him harm & wolde him helpe to wende
Abideþ quaþ þis holi man whi wole ȝe do so
Leteþ me þane stede biholde awhile þat mi soule schal to
After his soule þe deuel com & stod þer mid his fere
Awei he seide þu liþere best what dostou nouþe here
Of me nastou noȝt to done mi Louerd me wole afonge
To him ich wende in his name þat me bouȝte stronge
Mid þis word he ȝaf þane gost angles iredi were
Þat folc ihurde þe murie song as hi þe soule bere
Four hondred ȝer hit was in þe six & sixti ȝere
After þat God an vrþe com þat þe gode man deide here
Fourscore wynter he was old er he deide also
Nou God ous ȝyue part of þulke ioye þat he was inne ido.