University of Virginia Library


[Mornyng my hart dothe sore opres]

Mornyng my hart dothe sore opres,
That ffors constraynethe me to complayne;
Ffor wher as I shuld haue redres,
Alas, I cannot be lovyd Againe.
I serue, I sewe, all of one sorte;
My trust, my trayvell ys all in vayne;
As in dispere without comfforte:
Alas, I cannot be lovyd Agayne.
Perdye, yt ys but now of late,
Not long ago ye knew my paygne;
Wyll your Rygore neuer Abate?
Alas, when shall I be louyd agayne?
It ys bothe dethe and dedlye smart,
No sharp sorrow can now susstayne,
Then ffor to love with ffaythffull harte,
Alas, and cannot be lovyd agayne.