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Under Constantine/Heracles/Constance beginning 641/641/642

Constantine by his Step dam's poisoned
Her Son Heracles lifts up his head
Six months, wherein th'Arabians hem in
Cesaria Palestine, seven years, and bring
Seven thousand Christians to be tortur'd there.
Constantinople's Senate too that year
Cut out Dam'd Martin's tongue, Heracleo's nose
And them exild. And Constance Emperour chose.
Who sprang indeed, a keen Monothelite,
And did Pope Martine, who this sect did smite
In its Chiefe fautors great, with Peters Keyes,
Take Captive, Cut his tongue and hand off: payes
Him then with Banishment to Thrace, where he
By want doth perish, though Romes head he bee.
Did Persecute the Bishops, who appear
In Africk, in Numedia, and there
In Mauritania and did Condemn
His Heresy. His fautors play such men.
In England Wicked Penda Oswald slew
Hence up a further Persecution grew.
He raves towards East-Angles. Sig'bert here
With mighty pains had gaind his Subjects there
Christ to imbrace, comes with them out t'oppose
Him. but a mighty slaughter then the foes
Do make of Christians, and their King destroy.
And now their Churches feel his Cruelty.