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Art B1: History of Art: An historical and descriptive study of architecture,
painting and sculpture from the earliest times to the present day.
Three lectures each week with required readings and reports. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Hudnut.

Art B2: Freehand Drawing and Painting: Practice in drawing, out of
doors and in the studio, with pencil, pen, charcoal, and brush. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Assistant Professor Makielski.

Art B3: Freehand Drawing and Painting: Art B2 prerequisite. A continuation
of Art B2, with practice in drawing in color from still life and
from nature. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.) Assistant Professor

Art C1: Freehand Drawing and Painting: Art B2 and B3 prerequisites.
A continuation of Art B3, with practice in drawing from the life and
in the painting of landscapes. Fee $5. (B.A. or B.S., credit, 2 session-hours.)
Assistant Professor Makielski.

Art C2: Renaissance and Modern Art: An historical and critical study
of architecture, painting, and sculpture from the time of Giotto to the present
day. Three lectures each week with required readings and reports.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Hudnut.


Architecture B1: Architectural Design: The study of architectural
elements, practice in drawing, shades and shadows, and perspective. One
lecture each week and nine hours of drawing. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Hudnut and Assistant.

Architecture B2: Architectural Design: Architecture B1 prerequisite.
Problems in design, with practice in drawing and rendering. Individual criticism.
Fee $40. (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Professor

Architecture B3: Architectural Design: Architecture B1 and B2 pre-


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requisites. A continuation of Architecture B2. The design of complex structures
and ensembles with practice in drawing and rendering. Individual criticism.
Fee $40. (Credit, 6 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Professor

Architectural Construction B1: The technique of building construction,
including the study of materials and methods. Practice in the preparation
of working drawings and details. Wood, masonry, and steel structures.
(Credit, 3 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architectural Construction B2: Architectural Construction B1 prerequisite.
A continuation of Architectural Construction B1, including the preparation
of working drawings and specifications for more complex structures
than those studied in the previous course. (Credit, 3 session-hours for B.S. in

Architectural Construction B3: Architectural Construction B1 and B2
A continuation of Architectural Construction B2, including a
study of the mechanical equipment of buildings, heating, lighting, sanitation, and
electrical work. (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) Assistant
Professor Makielski.