University of Virginia Library



Like a tremulous hare stealing over the stage,
See neat lovely Lewis illumine Anne Page;
Who fills pretty Godfrey with timid alarms,
And gives Lady Percy—proverbial charms;
But her heart welcomes Ease when the business is ended,
As if Habit and Will in the duty contended;—
She looks, when arrang'd in the Drama's gay row,
Like a vale-nourish'd lily brought forward for shew;
And compell'd Admiration's keen gaze to endure,
As the pinks look more gaudy, but none—half so pure;
Or a beautiful yacht, which, to honor the nation,
Is unmoor'd now and then, on some splendid occasion;
Hung round with bright colours, that sport in the breeze,
And seems pleas'd to be happy, and happy to please;
'Mid the vessels of thunder she gracefully glides,
And with sounds next to silence, obeys the rough tides,
Till the service is o'er; then the nymph sleeps inactive,
And is laid up in ord'nary, trim, yet attractive;
Takes her top-gallants down, when forbidden to roam,
And rides with delight—at her anchor at home.