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[Seint Leonard þe confessour ]

Seint Leonard þe confessour a londe ȝeode her
After þat God an vrþe com aboute vyf hondred ȝer
His freond & his kynnesmen þe gretteste maystres were


In þe kynges hous of France grettere none nere
Seint Leonard was also gret mayster wiþ þe kynge
Of þat he wolde wiþ him do he ne wornde him noþinge
He grantede þat þe prisouns þat he bad fore echon
Vp al his lond þat hi scholde delyured beo anon
Þis holi man wende aboute to prisouns wide
Whan he fond eny of lute gult he ne let hem no leng abide
Þo me clepe him prisones louerd & ȝut me doþ also
For non halewe of prisouns so fair miracle nas ido
Þe kyng of France bisoȝte him faste bi al his miȝte
To bileue stabliche wiþ him bi daye & bi niȝte
Forte þer fulle a bischopriche þat he him miȝte bitake
Seint Leonard hit nolde noȝt ac outriȝt hit gan forsake
He wende forþ aȝen his wille & bad him habbe god day
Furst he wende to Orliens to prechi Godes lay
Longe he prechede þer aboute þat folc forto lere
Siþþe he wende to Aquitayne forte prechi þere
Eche day he wolde at toune beo & prechi Godes lawe
Anyȝt he wolde at wode beo & ligge vnder þe schawe
To beo on his oreisouns ac anon so hit gan dawe
Aboute he wolde to speke of God some gode sawe
Þe kyng hadde in þulke wode noble court & heȝ
To soiourny in & hunti whan he tyme iseȝ
Þe quene was mid childe gret þider me gan hire bringe
To beo þer in solace in hire child beringe
As heo was in trauayl heo nemiȝte hit ouercome noȝt
Heo pynede so sore þat heo was anon to þe deþe ibroȝt
Gret deol makede þe kyng & his þe crie me hurde wide
Þo seint Leonard ihurde þis he gan herkny & abide
Þo he hurde hit was of men he gan þider wende
If God wolde amendement þurf his bone sende


To þe kyng he wende anon & eschte what him were
Beo glad he seide for of þe quene þu neschalt haue no fere
A merci quaþ þe kyng þo al mi lond ich wole ȝyue
Ho so hit miȝte þerto bringe þat heo miȝte lyue
Of þe child ne rouȝte ich noȝt moste ich habbe hire lyf
Sire quaþ þis holi man let [me] iseo þi wyf
If ich mai hire to lyue bringe & þat child also
Þurf mi Louerdes suete grace nere hit noȝt wel ido
Me brouȝte þis gode man to þe quene þat lay al atte deþe
Ouercome heo was so clene þat vneþe heo miȝte breþe
Þis gode man dude his oreisoun & sat adoun akneo
Þat oure Louerdes poer in þe place þat folc moste iseo
Þat þe quene moste to lyue come & þat child also
Forte cuþe his swete miȝte þat oþer þing mai do
Þe quene anon mid þis word delyured was of childe
In gode lyue & eke hire child þer was oure Louerd mylde
Þo þe kyng iseȝ þe quene al sauf & þat child also
For ioye he nuste what he miȝte mid seint Leonard do
He bad him nyme of al his god clanliche what he wolde
I ne kepe quaþ þis holi man of þi siluer ne of þi golde
Bote o place þat ich mote in Godes seruice lyue
Certes ich wole quaþ þe kyng al þis wode þe ȝyue
Ne kepe ich quaþ seint Leonard nomore þerof abyde
Bote þat ich mai mid myn asse in one nyȝte ofride
Ich granti þe quaþ þe kyng newend þu noȝt so wide
Þeȝ he were as quic as eni best bi þe wodes side
Þis gode man vpe þis asse wende aboute þis wode wel stille
& birod as moche place as he hadde to wille
Þe king þo hit ymete was let hit walli al aboute
After his wil he let þer rere noble hous & proute


Þer seint Leonard monek bicom as hit an abbay were
Monekes he nom in to him oure Louerdes lawe to lere
A religioun he bigan of ordre swiþe stronge
Clerkes þat to gode drowe he gan sone afonge
Ner þan a god myle way ne water þer nas neȝ
Hit ne likede noȝt seint Leonard þo he defaute iseȝ
He openede a lute in þe vrþe & his oreisoun made
A fair wel þer sprong vp þat me miȝte fur bi wade
Þo miȝten hi habbe water ynou þe while þe hous ilaste
Þurf God & seint Leonard þat here grace þerto caste
Prisones louerd seint Leonard wel wide icliped was
Oure Louerd schowede for him fair miracle & noȝt for noȝt hit nas
For whan prisouns cride on him meni wiþ dreorie chere
Here bendes gonne to berste atuo & hi delyured were
& menie come to þonki him & here feteres wiþ hem bere
& meni to serui Iesu Crist bileuede wiþ him þere
Somme men wiþ alle here freond þat were of his kynne
Þo hi hurde telle of him solde lond & wynne
& wende & wonede þer wiþ him holi lyf to lede
Þis holi man of Godes lawe gan prechi hem & rede
So fair miracle as he dude noman nowhar nuste
Meni sike men hadde bote þat to him wolde triste
Atte laste þat he scholde deye longe bifore he wiste
His breþeren he let clipie & myldeliche hem custe
To wende to þe ioye of heuene þat God after him sende
Gret deol makede his breþeren þo he hunne wende
If oure Louerd dude an vrþe fair miracle bi his lyue
After þat he hunne wende he dude suche vyue
For miracle þat þer was so moche folc þider gan falle
Þat þe place nowhar neȝ nemiȝte susteny alle
Þat folc cride þo on oure Louerd þreo dayes & þreo niȝt


Þat he schulde if his wille were þerof do som insiȝt
Þo seȝen hi þe contrai al aboute iheled al mid snowe
& amidde a place fair & grene þat me miȝte hit mowe
Þo seȝe hi þat oure Louerd wolde þat seint Leonard leye þere
Hi lete him bere þider anon & fair churche arere
Þat al þat folc þat þider com nemiȝte fulle þe place
Whan oure Louerd him hadde ichose þurf his swete grace
So meni miracle of seint Leonard þer habbeþ an vrþe icome
Of prisouns þat y nemai forbere bote ich telle of some
Þe scherreue of Leouns veteres makede stronge
In þe heȝe tour of þe castel he let hem faste honge
Anheȝ þat ech man hem iseȝe þat bi þe weye gan wende
& pyni mankynne þat þerinne was hem forto schende
Þat men þat seȝe such turment þe sorere wolde drede
Leste hi were þer inne ido to do eni misdede
So þat he nom a true man for so lute lesinge
& let him bynde swiþe faste & in þe feteres him bringe
Þis seli man was mid pyne & sor ibroȝt al to deþe
To seint Leonard he cride a niȝt as he miȝte speke vneþe
Seint Leonard com a niȝt to him in swiþe white wede
For þu me hast ȝurne ibede ich am her he sede
Arys vp & com wiþ me hunne ich wole þe lede
Þis stronge feteres nym wiþ þe naue þu none drede
Vp aros þis holi man wiþ wel glade chere
His feteres toburste anon atuo for hi bicome wel sere
Seint Leonard him ladde forþ his felawe as he were
To þe churche þer he inne lay & his feteres heng vp þere
Euere as hi wende bi þe wey seint Leonard wiþ him tolde
As hit were his felawe bi þe wei he gan him holde
Þis scherreue cam anoþer dai & his feteres souȝte
Of his wraþþe he tolde lute þat him þanne brouȝte


He miȝte beo wroþ soue ȝer er he enes rouȝte
Oþer bendes he moste make for þulke nere noȝt toȝte
A liþer man of gret poer in anoþer stede was also
A gulteles man he hadde ynome & in strong prisoun ido
He hurde telle of seint Leonard þat he prisones freond was
Fram him he þoȝte his prisoun wite mid sum queynte cas
He let of lym & of ston makie a gret put
Mid stronge dores of ire þane mouþ he hadde idut
Anoueward þulke falling dore þo þe gode man was þer inne
He let makie of ire a strong hucche wiþ wel queynte ginne
Þerinne he dude stronge men þe prisoun forto wite
Þat seint Leonard þerinne necome bote he were vnderȝite
Bote þurf þe hucche he nemiȝte noȝt come þer neȝ
& to come among suche laddes he moste beo somdel sleȝ
Þis seli man þat was byneþe in strong prisoun ibroȝt
On seint Leonard cride faste þat he neforȝete him noȝt
A nyȝt him cam þis holi man þis hucche he fond furst þere
Sone he weluede hire vp & doun & alle þat þerinne were
Siþþe he brak þe dores of ire as louerd he wende adoun
Wiþ gret liȝt of heuene & spac wiþ þe prisoun
Slepestou he seide ich am icome þat þu hast icleped so
Godes disciple Leonard woltou oȝt habbe ido
Louerd him seide þis seli man as wis ich bidde þe
As ich am gulteles her ido an vrþe help þu me
Anon riȝt þis seli man þe feteres al to brak
& bituene his armes bar him forþ & noman to him nespak


& so him to his owe hous he bar bituene his arme
& bad him god man forto beo & witie him eft fram harme
Þe liþere men mid al here gin febliche agonne
Hi miȝte honge vp here axe for lute hi hadde iwonne
A liþer man in Alemaigne a vncouþ pelegrim nom
& brouȝte him in prisoun strong & ȝaf him his dom
Þat bote his freond him wolde bugge he scholde bileue þere
Forte he þer inne of lyue ibroȝt were
To þe louerd of þe castel seint Leonard a niȝt com
& het him delyuri his seriant þat he wiþ vnriȝt nom
Þat oþer niȝt eftsone [he com] & þe þridde niȝt also
He het him delyuri his seriant & neuere he nolde hit do
Seint Leonard [ladde] þis [seli] man of prisoun among hem alle
Þe heȝe tour of þe castel after him gan falle
& sloȝ al þe folc þat þerinne was bote þe louerd one
Ac boþe his legges toberste atuo þurf falling of a stone
Þat neuereft nemiȝt he iheled beo of flesche ne of bone
Crokede he was al his lyf he nuste to wham makie his mone
Me þinȝþ hit hadde ibeo wel ido þeȝ his necke hadde ibeo atuo
Þe schrewe miȝte beo þo iwar gulteles men misdo
A kniȝt was ek in Britaigne in strong prisoun ibrouȝt
To seint Leonard he cride ȝurne þat he hadde ofte isoȝt
Strong wardeyns þer were ouer him boþe nyȝt & day
Þer he in strong veteres in stronge prisoun lay
Among alle þis wardeyns seint Leonard com
As maister þurf hem alle wende & þe kniȝt out nom
His bendes he daschte furst atuo & nom him bi þe hond
Þurf out alle his wardeyns to his owe lond


His veteres he tok on his hond & forþ wiþ hem he ber
To þe chapel of seint Leonard & among oþere [heng] hem þer
Þer neþerfte non of þe wardeyns ane word speke wiþ mouþe
Such man mai wel maister hote þat so hem agaste couþe
Þe miracles þat he þe prisouns dude nemai no tunge telle
Nou God schulde ous for loue of seint Leonard fram þe prisoun of helle