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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secundo fuit illusus in domo Herodis.
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Secundo fuit illusus in domo Herodis.

The secunde hokur þat Ihesu hade
was in Herodes house þo kyng,
þat as a fole & madde hym made
to clethe hym so in quite clethyng;
ffor, as þo gospel makus mynde,
quen Pilate send oure lord Ihesu
to Heroude forto bete & bynde
and deme after þat he knewe,
Heroude sende hym sone aȝayn
scornefully in quite clethyng,
ffor to hym wold he nothyng sayn
ne onsware after his wilnyng.
Therfore touchyng þis mater
spekus Bernard opunly,
in Cristis nome riȝt as it wer,
To Iheues þat diden þis any:

Bernardus: Tu homo es & habes sertum de floribus & ego Deus habeo coronam spineam.

‘Thow mon,’ sais he, ‘garlond þou has
of flouris faire & bryȝt schynyng,
and for me, God, a crowne þou mas
of thornes strong & scharp stingyng.

Item Bernardus in persona Christi: Tu habes cyrotecas in manibus & ego clauos ferreos.

Also Bernard in Cristis nome
sais, ‘gloues þou hast, mon, on þi honde,
& I þurgh myne with mikul schome
haue nailis driuen wit bittir bonde.


Item Bernardus: Tu in albis vestibus tripudias & ego pro te derisus ab Herode fui in veste alba, tu tripudias cum pedibus & ego & cum pedibus laboraui pro te.

‘Thow daunces aboute in quite clethyng,
and I in quite aȝayn was sent
ffrom Heroude to Pilate in hethyng,
siche harmes for þi hele I hent.
‘Þou daunces wit fete in gret likyng,
And my feete arm schomely schent
for tene on rode tre trauelyng,
to vntegh þe is myn entent.

Item Bernardus: Tu in choreis brachia extendis in modum crucis in gaudium & ego ea in cruceex tensa habui in obprobrium, ego in cruce dolui & tu in cruce exultas.

‘Thow in þo ryng of carolyng
spredis þin armes furth from the,
And I on croice have hom spredyng
schamely, as men movn see.
‘Þus on croice I was sorowyng
of thraldam, mon, to make þe fre,
And þou in croice gret mirth makyng,
I mynde on þe, þou noon on me.

Item Bernardus: Tu habes latus apertum signum vane glorie & ego latus fossum habui pro te. Tamen reuertere ad me & ego suscipiam te.

‘Thow has side opon for vayn-glorie,
And I side stongen, sene it is,
neuer-þe-latter to me þou hie
and I wil take þe to my blis.’

Tres cause notantur quare Christus tacuit coram Herode, Pilato & Iudeis.

Thre causis þer ben quy þat Ihesu
was stille so in examinyng
of Pilate, Heroude, & Iewes vntrewe,
þat fondede[n] hym in mony a thyng.


The first cause was witturly
for Cristis onsware forto here
alle þo men were vnworthy
þat te[m]pt hym in þat manere.
The secunde cause was Eues offense,
for ho in speche synnet sore,
þerfore Ihesu by silence
most mende þat ho so did before.
Tho thrid cause was witterly,
for alle þyng þat vnswaret he,
þai dispisiden hokurly
And fonden chalange, leue ȝe me.

Tercio fuit illusus in domo Pilati.

The thrid dispite þat had Ihesu
was in Pilate house i-wis,
þer in a mantil of purpur hew
þo knyȝtis cladden hym al a-mys,
And a rede putten in his honde
And thornen crowne opon his hede,
ffor, as thay sayden, keng of that londe
he claymet al aȝayne hor rede;
and thenne thay gretten hym kneling,
as he sat in that aray,
al in hoker and hething,
‘hayl keyng of Iewes,’ sayden thay.