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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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[xxxix] Beauties Idea.
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[xxxix] Beauties Idea.

Who would Perfections faire Idea see,
Let him come looke on Chloris sweet with mee;
White is her Haire, her Teeth white, white her Skinne,
Blacke bee her Eyes, her Eye-browes, Cupids Inne:
Her Lockes, her Body, Hands, doe long appeare,
But Teeth short, Bellie short, short either Eare;
The Space twixt Shoulders, Eyes, is wide, Browes wide,
Straite Waste, the Mouth straite, and her virgine Pride:
Thicke are her Lips, Thighs, with Banckes swelling there,
Her Nose is small, small Fingers, and her Haire,
Her sugred Mouth, her Cheekes, her Nailes, bee red,
Litle her Foot, Pap litle, and her Hed.
Such Venus was, such was the Flame of Troy,
Such Chloris is, my Hope, and only Ioy.