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Lord, with what body do they come
Who in corruption here are sown,
When with humiliation done,
They wear the likeness of thine own?
Lord, of what manner didst thou make
The fruits upon life's healing tree?
Where flows that water we may take
And thirst not through eternity?
Where lie the beds of lilies prest
By virgins whiter than their snow?
What can we liken to the rest
Thy well-beloved yet shall know?
And where no moon shall shine by night,
No sun shall rise and take his place,
How shall we look upon the light,
O Lamb of God, that lights thy face?
How shall we speak our joy that day
We stand upon the peaceful shore,
Where blest inhabitants shall say,
Lo! we are sick and sad no more?
What anthems shall they raise to thee,
The host upon the other side?
What will our depths of rapture be
When heart and soul are satisfied?
How will life seem when fear, nor dread,
Nor mortal weakness chains our powers;
When sin is crushed, and death is dead,
And all eternity is ours?
When, with our lover and our spouse,
We shall as angels be above,
And plight no troths and breathe no vows,
How shall we tell and prove our love?
How can we take in faith thy hand,
And walk the way that we must tread?
How can we trust and understand
That Christ will raise us from the dead?


We cannot see nor know to-day.
For He hath made us of the dust;
We can but wait his time, and say,
Even though He slay me, will I trust!
Swift to the dead we hasten now,
And know not even the way we go;
Yet quick and dead are thine, and thou—
Thou knowest all we do not know!