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(Credit value in session-hours is given in parenthesis):

First Year.—English A1 or A2 or [4] 1-2-3 (3), [4] Mathematics 100-106-107
(3), [4] Applied Mathematics 521-522-523 with 571-572-573 (6), Art B2
(3), Physical Training B1 or elective (3): Total 18 session-hours.

Second Year.—Economics B1 or [4] 10-11-12 (3), [4] Mathematics 108-109-110


Page 45
(3), Art B1 (3), Architecture B1 (3), Architectural Construction, B1
(3): Total 15 session-hours.

Third Year.—*Applied Mathematics 524-526-525 with 574-576-575 (5),
*Civil Engineering 715 (1), Art B3 (2), Architecture B2 (4), Architectural
Construction B2 (3): Total 15 session-hours.

Fourth Year.—Art C2 (3), Art C1 (2), Architecture B3 (6), Architectural
Construction B3 (4): Total 15 session-hours. Note: Students who
will graduate not later than June, 1926 may take Business Administration
(20-25-30) in place of Art C1, and may substitute an equivalent amount of
approved work in Engineering for Architectural Construction B3.


In the Department of Engineering.