University of Virginia Library


[Happy the man, who Jesus knows]

Happy the man, who Jesus knows,
By holy faith to Jesus join'd!
His pure believing heart o'erflows
With love to God, and all mankind.
Redeem'd from all iniquity,
From every evil work and word,
From every sinful temper free,
He lives devoted to his Lord.
Little and vile in his own eyes,
All good he gives to God alone:
Saved from self-will, he ever cries,
Lord, not my will, but Thine be done.
Saved from the love of all below,
Heavenward his every wish aspires;
Nothing but Christ resolved to know,
God, only God, his heart desires.
Saved from all evil words, he speaks
For God, and ministers His grace;
Saved from all evil deeds, he seeks
In all to' advance his Maker's praise.


Whether he eats, in faith, or drinks,
He spreads his Maker's praise abroad;
Whether he acts, or speaks, or thinks,
He only aims to' exalt his God.