University of Virginia Library



Sufferer, though thy path be dark,
Though no starlight thou mayest mark,
Though the days bring deepening pain
And love's old sweet hopes seem vain,
Though thine eve belie thy morn,
Though thy brows be pierced with thorn,
Though thy path lie through the night,
Christ thy Lord shall be thy Light!
Youth, round whom the sunlight gleams,
Passing through the vale of dreams,
Faint the mountains seem and far,
Flowers in myriads round thee are.
Yet thou needest Christ to guard!
Soon thy pathway may be barred
By an host as yet concealed:
Then thou needest Christ for Shield!


Youth and age indeed are one:
Each needs Christ for star and sun;
Christ for shield, and crown, and sword;
Christ's sweet welcome for reward.
When the golden gateways shine,
Then may Christ with voice divine
Say to each, “Thou need'st not fear;
We were waiting for thee here!”