University of Virginia Library

Sec. 30-21. Openings in sidewalks—Entrances to cellars or

No entrances in sidewalks to cellars or areaways shall hereafter
be permitted without the approval of the council.

Every cellar or area which opens in a sidewalk shall have
such opening covered with substantial metal grating, rough-surface
metal or metal and glass, which shall be flush with
the pavement. No such opening to any existing cellar or area
shall be recovered, nor shall the covering thereof be repaired
or renewed except with such material and in such manner as
above required. The entrance to every cellar which opens in
a sidewalk shall be covered with two doors of equal width,
without joints and so constructed that when closed they shall
be flush with the pavement and when open shall each stand
upright and at right angles to the pavement and be held in


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such position by connecting bars or chains at the end of the
doors nearest the curb line. No cellar door shall be allowed
to fall back or lie flat upon the street or sidewalk nor to remain
open any longer than necessary and while in actual use.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of any building,
the cellar or area to which does not conform to the requirements
of this section, after notification by the city manager,
to fail or refuse to comply with its provision. (Code 1959,
§ 30-21.)