The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
psalm. CXXX.
The Argument.
In banishment: when Iues were pent,And felt gods yre: the greuousnes:
Thus thrall their sinnes: they did lament
They freedom wisht: from cruelnesse.
In banishment.
11 Canticum Graduum.
In deepe excesse: In heuynes,O Lord to thee: my crying went
From depth of hart: I did expresse,
My great constraynts: most violēt.
In deepe excesse.
O Lord assent: O here attent,My wofull voyce: in redines,
O let thyne eares: to harke be bent,
My prayers cry: in lowlines.
O Lord assent.
If thou wouldst presse: mans sinnefulnes,O Lord to send: due punishment,
Who could O Lord: the waightines,
Sustayne to byde: thy chastisement.
If thou wouldst presse.
Be Lord content: lo we repent,For thou shewest grace: to humblenes
Thus feard to be: most reuerent,
Then kepe no sinnes: in irefulnes,
Be Lord content
I hope release: I trust no lesse,The Lord I byde: still permanent:
My soule expecth: hys frendlines,
I wayte his wordes: accomplishment,
I hope release.
My soule so ment: more confident,To wayte my Lordes: great gentlenes,
Then watchemen wishe: the night full spent,
And wayt the morne: theyr watche to cease.
My soule so ment.
In faithfulnes: in chearefulnes,Let Iacob wayt: the Lord so gent,
Because with God: is ruefulnes,
He oft redeemth: his mercyment,
In faithfulnes.
He will relent: incontinent,And full aquite: the wretchtdnes,
Of Israell: his prisonment,
And pardon all: theyr wickednes,
He wyll relent.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||