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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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507. Parable 4. Of the Householder. Matt. xiii.


Th' apostles, and the prophets, told
Of things important, new and old;
Wise householders! may we, the same,
First learn, and then the truth proclaim.


Things, new and old, pervade that book
In which the wise will often look:
Eternal truths adorn its page,
T' instruct, and warn, from age to age.


The things of old, distinct we see,
But, greater things ere long will be;
Things to dismay, or cheer our heart,
In which we all must bear a part.


That will be new, our last complaint,
When strength, and breath, will fail, and faint,
And we shall, anxious, look around
For solace, and for solid ground.


Death, too, is new; O, may we meet
His aspect, with composure sweet!
Nor tremble at the rolling flood,
Confiding in a Saviour's blood.


In a new world we soon shall move!
The world of spirits, strange will prove!
But friends are there, from time releas'd,
And there is Christ, our Great High Priest!



[How many to that state belong,
With whom we communed oft and long!
The hope of meeting whom again,
Robs even death of half its pain.]


The day of judgment will be new,
That solemn day we all must view!
Then may we hear the judge declare,
“Come, blessed! hence, my image bear!”


With such new scenes, advancing fast,
So near, so certain, and so vast!
How should we stretch our ardent sight,
From Finite, to the Infinite!


Through all our days, which few may be!
Let us, O Father! cleave to thee!
May we belong to Jesus' fold,
And the New Heaven, at length, behold!