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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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'Tis from the Complex of Man's History
The Outline of God's Form grows strong and clear,


The mighty Shadow cast on all Things here,
From the far Depths of yon' untroubled Sky!
The Viewing of the whole Machinery
First shows its End and Working: Parts appear
Oft disproportioned 'till brought into near
Relation, by the Power of an Eye
That sees the Whole as One! then, as in a
Gigantic Glass, the Form of God we may
Behold, in its sublime Proportions shown:
There are two Mirrors, this World, and our own
Deep Souls, but God's Reflection thence alone
Is cast on this, when it is clear as Day:
Then keep it so, that ever on thy Way
The Shadow of his Presence may be thrown,
That thou mayst walk therein and never stray,
But feel it still, like thy own Shadow, near,
And ever stronger, as within more clear
The Light, like that too: never lost to thee,
'Till in the Grave at length it disappear,
When thou wilt no more in his Shadow be,
But in his Presence, and himself wilt see!