University of Virginia Library



O Thou, who art th'eternal Corner-stone,
And bearest up Heav'n's pillar'd frame alone;
Thou art the Light that fills each living gem,
Which glimmers in Thy Church's diadem!
Thou art her Crown: the stars which round her shine
Are but the effulgence of Thy fire divine;
Thy Wisdom in the Twelve made manifest,
The Urim and the Thummim on Thy breast,
Sole Living Priest! 'twas Thy heart-glowing light
That burn'd within the zealous Canaanite;
Thou who did'st drive the buyers to the door,
And with Thy mantle sweep Thy Father's floor!
O wrath most merciful! portentous sign
Of Thy last coming, arm'd with wrath divine!
Do Thou my heart with holy zeal controul,
And purify the temple of my soul,
Drive each foul thought with Thine uplifted rod,
Which stains the floor Thy holy feet have trod;
A den of evil fancies, whence arise
Far other fumes than love of Thee supplies:—
Oh, cleanse my heart betimes, ere Thou shalt come,
And sweep Thy temple with eternal doom!