University of Virginia Library

Æneas descends to Hell.

Now, on his Right, he leaves Parthenope;
His Left, Misenus jutting in the Sea:
Arrives at Cumæ, and with Awe survey'd
The Grotto of the venerable Maid:
Begs Leave thro' black Avernus to retire;
And view the much-lov'd Manes of his Sire.
Strait the divining Virgin rais'd her Eyes;
And, foaming with a holy Rage, replies:
O thou, whose Worth thy wond'rous Works proclaim;
The Flames, thy Piety; the World, thy Fame:
Tho' great be thy Request, yet shalt thou see
Th'Elysian Fields, th'infernal Monarchy;
Thy Parent's Shade: This Arm thy Steps shall guide;
To suppliant Virtue nothing is deny'd.


She spoke, and pointing to the Golden Bough,
Which in th'Avernian Grove refulgent grew,
Seize That, She bids; He listens to the Maid;
Then views the mournful Mansions of the Dead:
The Shade of Great Anchises, and the Place
By Fates determin'd to the Trojan Race.
As back to upper Light the Hero came,
He thus salutes the Visionary Dame.—
O, whether some propitious Deity,
Or lov'd by those bright Rulers of the Sky!
With grateful Incense I shall stile you One,
And deem no Godhead greater than your own.
'Twas you restor'd me from the Realms of Night,
And gave me to behold the Fields of Light:
To feel the Breezes of Congenial Air;
And Nature's blest Benevolence to share.