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The Works of John Hookham Frere In Verse and Prose

Now First Collected with a Prefatory Memoir by his Nephews W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere

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For human nature Hope remains alone
Of all the deities—the rest are flown.
Faith is departed, Truth and Honour dead,
And all the Graces, too, my friends, are fled.
The scanty specimens of living worth,
Dwindled to nothing and extinct on earth.
Yet whilst I live, and view the light of heaven,
(Since Hope remains, and never has been driven
From the distracted world), the single scope
Of my devotion is to worship Hope:
When hecatombs are slain and altars burn
With all the deities ador'd in turn,
Let Hope be present, and with Hope, my friend,
Let every sacrifice commence and end.
Yes! insolence, injustice, every crime,
Rapine and wrong may prosper for a time;
Yet shall they travel on to swift decay
That tread the crooked path and hollow way.