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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Prima illusio in domo Anne.

ffor four sithe foule he scornet was,
As I sale tel apertely,
the furst in byschopes hous Annas
when he was taken anone in hy,
Ther tholet he buffetes and spyttyng
and despites mony moo,
and ouer hys eghen also hulyng,
he suld not se thay diden so.
Ther-fore withe grete deuocioun
Bernarde spekes to Crist expresse,
hauyng of hym compassioun


and thinking how he pynet was:

Wltum tuum, domine bone Ihesu, desiderabilem, in quem desiderant angeli prosp[i]cere, sputys inquinauerunt, manibus percusserunt, velo pro derisione operuerunt, nec amaris uulneribus pepercerunt.

‘Thi semblaunt,’ he says, ‘lord Ihesu,
that aungeles wilnen forto se,
harmet was bothe huyde and hew
whit sputtyng that was cast on the,


‘Wiht hor hondes smytten thi face
and hilden it wit a vaile a-boue,
and bitter woundis þe ȝiuen was,
al þis þou tholid lord for me loue.’