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Under Phocas, who began 604

Phocas that Butcher, boiling in his lust,
And Cruelty, his Nobles greatly crusht,
Virgins, and Matrons too did vitiate,
The Lombards many Christian Crucidate.
The Jews at Antioch tumult, destroy
By Fire, and Sword the Christians cruelly.
Take Bishop Anastase and off they slam
His secret members, in his mouth them cram
Drag by a Cord ats leg him through the town,
Then burnt him in the fire to ashes down.
In England Edbald, Edilburt his Son
Now King of Kent, from's Father's vertues run
Did into Luxury, and's step mam weds,
Meeting the Gospell Checks for't lifts his head
Against the Godly, Sparkles flash like fire,
The Gospell flies his Coasts, Idols aspire
And Idol-Worship, things then runing thus
The Gospell ministers he down did Crush.