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That grand Impostris now resolves to play
Divisions, making all those whom she may,
Dance to her Fiddle; and to bring about
Her purposes, hath very little doubt:
For, as a wasted Candle when it sinks
Into the greasie socket (and there stinks)
Sends greater flashings forth, and blazeth more
A little while, then any time before;
So, she doth now, with her whole force persue
The mischief she hath long design'd for you;
And, not much wanting seemeth to compleat
That, whereupon her heart hath long been set:
For, to that end, were sent forth before hand,
Her Emissaries into ev'ry land,
With Dispensations (as occasion haps)
To make use of all courses, forms, and shapes:
And these have into all Societies
All Constitutions and Fraternities,
(Divine or Civil) all Affairs, Relations,
And Interests, what ever, in both Nations,
Screw'd, such a party, that, chief sway they carry
In things divine, civil, and military;
So, that, as once it was prophanely said,
Should GOD stand neuter, till her game were plaid,
She would prevail against you, at this time,
Because, no aid shall be withheld from them
Who malice you, nor any furtherance
Her power and sinking Throne to readvance
Which Antichrists confederates can add,
Or, from prophanest persons may be had.