University of Virginia Library

[I. “Yet, onward still!” the spirit cries within]

Yet, onward still!” the spirit cries within,
'Tis I that must repay thee. Mortal fame,
If won, is but at best the hollow din,
The vulgar freedom with a mighty name;
Seek not this music—ask not this acclaim,
But in the strife find succor;—for the toil
Pursued for such false barter ends in shame,
As certainly as that which seeks but spoil!
Best recompense he finds, who, to his task
Brings a proud, patient spirit that will wait,
Nor for the guerdon stoop, nor vainly ask
Of fate or fortune,—but with right good-will,
Go, working on, and uncomplaining still,
Assured of fit reward or soon or late!