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It is the Lord, whose will is done,
He to the end hath loved His own,
And now required His bride;
Who went her mansion to prepare,
Hath brought her home, His joy to share,
And triumph at His side.
Her mourning days are finish'd soon,
Her sun of life gone down at noon;
But why should we complain
That Mercy hath abridged her years,
And snatch'd her from our vale of tears,
In endless bliss to reign?
To keep her here in vain we strove:
She mounts! she claps her wings above!
She grasps the glittering prize!


In answer to our mended prayers,
Enjoying, with salvation's heirs,
The life that never dies.
And can we now our loss regret,
Or wish to tear her from her seat,
Where high enthroned she sings?
No: rather let us strive to' increase
The cloud of Jesu's witnesses,
Whom death to glory brings.
Pursuing her, as she her Lord,
And labouring for a full reward,
Our friend we soon shall join;
The praise of our salvation give
To Him that doth for ever live,
And to the Lamb Divine.
Hastening the universal doom,
O wouldst Thou, Lord, Thy power assume,
And bring the kingdom down;
The number of Thy saints complete,
And us, through patient faith made meet,
With joy eternal crown!


O that our residue of days
We all might spend in prayer, and praise
For our translated friend,
Contemplating her converse here,
Her course of piety sincere,
And her consistent end!
Her piety with life begun,
Worshipper of the God unknown,
She trembled and adored;


Kept, by her parents' hallow'd cares,
From sin, the world, and Satan's snares,
And nurtured for the Lord.
Allured by His prevenient grace,
Even she walk'd in pleasant ways,
Far from the thoughtless crowd;
A stranger to their hopes and fears,
Remembering, in her tenderest years,
Her Maker and her God.
In wisdom as in years she grew,
Nor selfish guile, nor evil knew,
Nor gay diversion's round:
Like Eve in her Creator's sight,
Her innocent and pure delight
She in a garden found.
Her precious hours employing there
In useful works, and praise, and prayer,
She prized her happy lot:
Her cup of earthly bliss run o'er,
Yet still she sigh'd for something more,
And sought she knew not what.
She knew not, till the God unknown
Had drawn her, weary, to His Son,
The Lord her Righteousness;
Who paid her ransom on the tree,
From all iniquity to free,
And save a world by grace.
Jesus beneath the fig-tree saw
His handmaid, labouring by the law
Herself to justify;


And show'd Himself the way to God,
And graciously the gift bestow'd,
Which she could never buy.
The harmless youth who freely loved,
He her sincerity approved,
And touch'd her simple heart;
She then with Lydia's ease believed,
A pardon seal'd with joy received,
And Mary's better part.
Yet, though her choice was still to sit
Delighted at the Master's feet,
And listening to His word,
She ran the way of His commands,
And minister'd, with Martha's hands,
To all that served her Lord.
Her genuine faith by works was known,
Her light, with spreading lustre, shone
Impartial, unconfined;
Her meat and drink His will to do,
And trace His steps, and close pursue
The Friend of human kind.


Say, ye companions of her youth,
With what sincerity and truth,
How free from fear and shame,
Christ and His members she confess'd,
And through a blameless life express'd
The tempers of the Lamb.


How did she put His bowels on,
And answer every plaintive groan
Of poverty and pain!
In sad variety of grief
The wretched sought from her relief,
Nor ever sought in vain.
She flew preventing their request,
To seek and succour the distress'd,
The reconciling word,
The balm of Gilead, to pour in,
Comfort and soothe the bruised by sin,
And lead them to their Lord.
Guide to her natural allies,
Endear'd yet more by gracious ties,
She urged them on to show
Their faith by every righteous deed,
And close in all the steps to tread
Of God reveal'd below.
From those who did her Father's will,
A thought she knew not to conceal,
Incapable of art;
Bless'd with a child's simplicity,
While, cheerful as the light and free,
She pour'd out all her heart.
When call'd the mystery to explain
Of two in Christ, no longer twain,
A figure of His bride,
The meaning of the nuptial sign,
The sacred ordinance Divine,
She show'd exemplified.


To whom her plighted faith she gave,
She with entire affection clave,
Nor e'er resumed a part;
Yet Jesus above all adored,
Still rendering to her heavenly Lord
An undivided heart.
When God, to prove her love sincere,
A sacrifice than life more dear,
Did for her children call,
Her children freely she resign'd,
Bereaved, yet happy still to find
That Christ was all in all.


She thus, adorning every state,
Did with His true disciples wait
The Saviour from above:
Death could not find her off her guard,
By prayer habitually prepared,
By humble, active love.
Her life a testimony true
That heaven was always in her view,
Till earthly scenes were past,
That here she had not long to stay,
Who lived as every well-spent day
Were destined for her last.
Ready for her celestial home
Whene'er the messenger should come,
Her Lord was sure to find
His handmaid in His work employ'd,
Who long had given up all for God,
And cast the world behind.


Unwarn'd of her release so near,
Insensible of pain or fear,
She needed not to know
The moment fix'd for her remove;
She could not doubt her Saviour's love,
Or dread a stingless foe.
The tyrant was not worth a thought,
When Christ had her salvation wrought,
Had wholly sanctified;
When (half her race of glory run)
He sent Elijah's chariot down,
He came to fetch His bride.
Like Moses caught to His embrace,
Dissolved by His discover'd face,
Whom only she desired;
The race she in a moment won,
And calm, without a lingering groan,
In Jesu's sight expired.
Yet, mindful of her friends below,
Stronger than death her love to show,
By a Divine decree,
Indulged to comfort them that mourn'd,
She stopp'd the flaming car, and turn'd,
And shouted Victory!


O God, who dost the victory give,
The thanks of every heart receive,
Through Thy beloved Son,
Who dost, for our Redeemer's sake,
Vile, sinful worms vouchsafe to make
The partners of Thy throne.


The grace which saved our happy friend,
Which made her faithful to the end,
And deck'd her head with rays,
We shall for us sufficient prove,
And strive, in humble fear and love,
To perfect holiness.
Who did for her the kingdom buy,
Jesus, for us went up on high,
Our purchased thrones to claim;
The same our Advocate with Thee,
The same our trust Thy face to see,
Through that almighty Name.
Father, we on that Name depend:
Send, then, for us, the convoy send,
For all with Jesus one;
Consummate us in heavenly bliss,
And by Thy glorious saints increase
The glory of Thy Son.