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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalm. CXXIX.

The Argument.

As Syon vext: to God she can,
In prayers meeke: her refuge make:
So Christe, his churche, and christen man
In God theyr Lord: may comfort take.
In harte yet glad,
For Christs his sake.

Sepe expugna.

10. Canticum graduum.


Great grief they haue: against me wrought
Yea oft and oft: from day to day:
From vp my youth: they quarels soughte,
Speake Israel: now truly may.
So Christ his spouse:
May ioyntly say.



Yea oft I say: full manye times,
Great traines at me: in spite they lay:
From vp my youth: for all theyr crimes:
They coulde not yet: my state betraye.
So christen man:
in like may praye.


The plowers plowde: vpon my backe,
Theyr errours mad: yet thought full gay:
My truth, so strong: they could not slacke,
Their forrowes long: had short decay.
So Christ his spouse
may ioyntly say.


The Lord so iust: their cords hath cut,
Their wicked yokes: to ren a stray.
In prison bound: they kept vs shut,
But God them all: hath driuen to bay.
So Christen man:
in life may praye.


Let them be shamde: confounded still.
And backeward tornd: in theyr aray
All they which hate: sweete Sion Hill,
Or that woulde els: her quiet fraye.
So Christ his churche
may ioyntly say.


Let them how grene: they seeme to stand,
Be like in sighte: the witherd haye:
On houses tops: pluckt vp by hand,
That fadeth to nought: without delay.
So Christen man:
in like maye praye.



Whereof in dayne: the mowers gripe
When they to such: theyr hands do splay
Nor gleaners can: fynd sheaues so rype,
That they to fyll: theyr bosomes maye.
So Christ his churche:
may ioyntly saye.


That none to them: good lucke do wysh.
Which walke in gate: by side the way:
On Gods hye name: theyr works to blesse:
But wisht them all: far well awaye.
God graunt that ofte:
this all we praye.