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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 143.

[Each Saint shall then shine more or less]

The Second Part.

Each Saint shall then shine more or less
In Crowns excelling Gold,
Triumph they shall in heavenly bliss
Amazing to behold;
And each of them in majesty
Shall represent a King;
Yea, Angel-like for dignity,
And shall with Cherubs sing:
Immortal are they ev'ry one,
And shine like to the Sun;
Their glory also shall abide,
Their day shall ne're be done:
Their Bodies which sometimes were torn,
And Bones that broken were,
For Jesus's sake he will adorn
With health and glory fair.
They shall also with Angels then
Joyn in sweet harmony,
To sing and celebrate God's praise
Unto eternity.
This we shall hear, this we shall see,
While raptured in bliss,
When we with blessed Jesus be;
What happiness like this?