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Vor þe king þo he adde iwiued & an eir adde al so
He drou to oþer conseil þan he was iwoned to do
& of þe riȝtes of holichurche & of þe gode olde lawe
Þat he adde of is chartre ymad he him gan wiþ drawe
Seint edmond pitosliche wel ofte him bi souȝte
Þat he wiþdrowe of is dede & bet him bi þoȝte
Ac it was euer þe leng þe wors so þat atte laste
Seint edmond him huld stedeuast & amansede vaste
Alle þat holichurche in suich vnriȝt broȝte
& wende uorþ ouer se vort þe king him bet biþoȝte
& deide ar he come aȝe & ibured was ek þer
As in ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & fourti ȝer
Þo Richard erl of cornwaile to þe holi lond com
Þe soudan somdel uor fere Triwes wiþ him nom
& alle prisons & sarazins þat in heþenesse were
Inome & in prison ido he deliuerede him þere


At þe torment of wareine sir gilebert þe marschal
Defouled was þoru mesauntre & debrused al
& deide as tuelf hundred ȝer & fourti & on
Of grace & þo were dede þe four breþeren echon
As þe tueie willames & richard & gileberd atten ende
& god nolde non of hom eir of is bodi sende
Ac to four sostren & hor eirs þe eritage was þo
To deled & to gadere ne comþ neuer eft mo
Elianore of brutaine deide ek þulke ȝer
Þat was arþures soster þat king Ion let sle er
Suþþe was gileberd ibore þat richardes sone was
Of clare erl of gloucestre as god ȝef þut cas
As tuelf hundred in ȝer of grace & þre & fourti þer to
Þo was is fader verst of elde & out of warde ido
Erchebissop of canterburi imad was þulke ȝer
Boneface & þe erl of cornwaile of wan we speke er
Weddede dame ssenche þat vr quene soster was
& þe quene soster of france as god ȝef þut cas
& þe erles doȝter of prouince & ir moder þe contesse
Brouȝte hire hider in to þis lond & was her in gladnesse
Fouke basset was suþþe imad bissop of londone
& sein Richard of chichestre & edmond þe kinges sone


Ibore was amidde Ieneuer & in ȝer of grace iwis
Tuelf hundred & foure & fourti idon was al þis