University of Virginia Library



They summoned together the holders of stock,
When Sharp made a speech, and he proved to a T,
That the entire concern was as firm as a rock,
And the rumors around were but fiddle-de-dee.
But, nevertheless, he had sent a fine chunk
Of the coal to a savan of note and reliance,
To analyze that, and dispatch to Van Brunck
The result, in the positive language of science.
“I told him,” said Sharp, “that if better he'd deem
Such a course, he might go and examine the seam.
All this has been done; and this letter you see,
Addressed to our Chairman, Van Brunck—not to me—
Has this moment arrived. Whate'er it contain
Is without double-dealing, and upright, and plain.
I ask the permission of our worthy Chairman,
To whom 'tis directed—an upright and fair man—
To open the document; let it be read—
No doubt it will back what we've all along said.”
Having closed, he sat down with a bow—and the crowd,
Delighted, accorded him cheers long and loud.