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I can see her, as she grew
By the sea, in spray and dew,
Little girl and woman too.
Childhood soberly she wears,
Taking hold of woman's cares
Through love's outreach, unawares:
Glint of ocean, depth of sky,
Tenderness, intensity,
Blending in her large blue eye.
Fair she must have been, in sooth,
While the freshness of her youth
Blossomed out of inward truth;
Where the pathos of the wave
To her maiden feelings gave
Wistful wonder, sweetness grave.


Everybody called her good,
When, with steady feet, she stood
On the heights of womanhood.
Ere I saw her, locks of brown
Into silvery bands had grown;
Age had placed on her his crown.
Still in dreams her face I view—
Noblest that my childhood knew—
Motherly and saintly too.
Seriously my eyes she read;
Laid her hand upon my head,—
Once—again,—two brief words said:
Liquid syllables, that fell
On my child-heart like a spell:
My name, borne by her so well.
Softly, with a yearning grace,
Said she, searching still my face,—
“Never, dear, the name disgrace!”
Since that hour, I wear a charm
In the charge she gave; her arm
Shields from many an unseen harm.
And I bless her for an aim
Fixed upon the Best, that came
As my portion, with her name:
Name she gave me, that confers
Honor in its characters,
Standing for a life like hers.
And I fain would make it sweet
For the sea-winds to repeat
Where she strayed, with childish feet;
Down the beach, and through the wood,
Where she grew so gently good
In her wild-rose maidenhood.