University of Virginia Library


Page 629


Is the son of Judge John W. Nash of Powhatan county, Virginia, who
died in 1860. His mother, also now deceased, was Elizabeth Hatcher.
Dr. Nash was born in Amelia county, Virginia, on August 29, 1826.
His early school days were passed in Powhatan county, after which he
attended the Boonville Academy, Missouri. He then took the medical
course of Jefferson College, whence he was graduated in the spring of
1848. He practiced at Cumberland C. H., then at Cartersville, Virginia,
and in 1874 came to Farmville, where he has been in practice ever
since. At Richmond, Virginia, on May 20, 1852, he married Lydia,
daughter of Francis and Sarah (Cowles) Smith, formerly of Richmond,
both now deceased. The record of the children of Dr. and Mrs. Nash is:
William, now deceased; Frank, now a surgeon, U. S. N.; John, now
deceased, Sarah E., now the wife of Dr. Irving of Farmville.