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All first-year and second-year students registered in the College of
Arts and Sciences, except professional students in Architecture, are required
to take Physical Education. Degree candidates should complete the Physical
Education requirements by the end of their second year and must complete


Page 249
them one year before graduation. One term each of six different activities,
selected from the curriculum offered, and one term of Health Education will
constitute the two-year course in Physical Education. The course in Health
Education is to be taken during the first year.

All new students registered for Physical Education are given a medical
examination. The examination is conducted by the University Physician and
his staff, and is given free of charge during specified periods. A fee is
charged for examinations given outside of regular hours. New men failing
to take the medical examination will be given unexcused absences until this
requirement has been fulfilled.

All new students registered for Physical Education are given a swimming
examination. Those students failing to meet the minimal standard will be
assigned to a section in Beginning Swimming. This examination consists of
a free-style, fifty-yard swim.

The instructing staff in the School of Physical Education is as follows:
Professor N. G. Pritchett, Director, Professor W. A. Lambeth, Associate
Professor L. T. Ludwig, Assistant Professor R. C. Heidloff, Instructor R. N.
Hoskins, Assistants G. K. Brown, H. T. Fitch, C. N. Hulvey, Jr., and C. M.
Rohmann; Registrar, Elizabeth Houston Stallings.

Curriculum in Physical Education

A student may elect any course offered during the term, but he may not
receive credit for the same course more than once.

Fall Term Courses

Health Education: Hygiene. Three lectures per week during the term.

Beginning Swimming: Non-swimmers are afforded the opportunity to
learn to swim fifty yards and to perform selected water stunts.

Advanced Swimming: Instruction and practice in the crawl, back, breast,
and side strokes, selected water stunts, and diving constitute this course.

Beginning Tennis: The fundamentals and rules of this sport are taught.
This course is for beginners only. Students must supply racquet and tennis

Advanced Tennis: Fundamentals, strategy, and rules of tennis will be
stressed. Students must supply racquet and tennis balls.

Individual Activities: A group of individual activities such as: bar vault,
rope skip, juggle, obstacle event, rope climb, pulley, weights, springboard
high jump, one-lap run, etc., are practiced.

Touch Football: Punting, forward passing, drop kicking, catching, center
snap, and rules are taught. Organized teams play frequently. A copy of
the rules will be supplied each student taking this course.

Soccer: The rudiments and rules of this game are taught. Organized
teams play during each class period.


Page 250

Playground Baseball: Playing skills are developed and rules are learned.

Volleyball: Fundamentals and rules are stressed.

Apparatus and Tumbling Stunts: Stunts on the horizontal bar, parallel
bars, side horse, and mats are practiced.

Special Exercise: Students with defects, revealed by the medical examination,
may be assigned to special exercise classes by the University Physician.

Winter Term Courses

Health Education: Hygiene. Three lectures per week during the term.

Basket-ball: Basket-ball fundamentals, team play, and rules are stressed.

Boxing: Boxing skills and rules are learned.

Handball: Fundamental handball skills and rules are taught. Players
must supply their own gloves.

Tap Dancing: Waltz clog, single-time buck, and triple-time buck routines
will be developed. Students must supply their own shoes.

Pledged Exercise: (Second-year students only.) During the Winter term,
second-year students may select one or two optional activities from the approved
list. This list includes basket-ball, boxing, swimming, handball, track
events, gymnastics, fencing, equitation, and other activities. The chosen
activities are engaged in during regular periods elected by the student.

Apparatus and Tumbling Stunts: A new group of stunts will be practiced
on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, side horse, and mats.

Special Exercise: Same as Fall term.

Spring Term Courses

Life Saving Methods: The senior Red Cross life saving course is taught.
An authorized Red Cross life saving examiner conducts the course and successful
candidates may obtain official membership cards.

Playground Baseball: Same as Fall term.

Volleyball: Same as Fall term.

Soccer: Same as Fall term.

Beginning Tennis: Same as Fall term.

Advanced Tennis: Same as Fall term.

Individual Activities: Same as Fall term.

Special Exercise: Same as Fall term.


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Varsity Sports Substitution

First-year and second-year students who wish to compete in varsity
sports may substitute as follows:

Fall Term

Football  Swimming  Cross Country  Tennis 
Boxing  Golf (Varsity only)  Basket-ball  Body-Building Exercises
(Track candidates only) 

Winter Term

Basket-ball  Track  Boxing  Football  Swimming 

Spring Term

Baseball  Track  Tennis  Golf (Varsity only) 

Intramural Sports Program

There is being offered for every student's pleasure and recreation a wide
and varied program of intramural sports. Participation in these sports is
purely optional, but it is hoped that each student will acquaint himself with
the program and take part in at least one sport during the year. The intramural
program has made a definite contribution to the physical welfare of
the students who are not engaged in intercollegiate sports.

The fraternities and dormitories are organized into leagues for participation
in team sports. The individual sports are open to all, and the fraternity
men and the non-fraternity men participate together.

The team sports now offered are as follows: Fall term—touch football
and volleyball; Winter term—basket-ball, boxing, and swimming; Spring
term—playground baseball and track. Team sports for independent (nonfraternity)
groups are as follows: Fall term—touch football and volleyball;
Winter term—basket-ball; Spring term—playground baseball.

Boxing, swimming, and track for independents will be participated in
individually. Individual sports offered (open to all) are as follows: Fall term
—horseshoe pitching (singles and doubles); Winter term—handball (singles
and doubles); Spring term—tennis (singles and doubles).

Awards are granted for first and second places in all sports.

Further information concerning the program and rules for participation
may be secured at the Intramural Sports Office in the Memorial Gymnasium.

There is no Physical Education credit granted to a student for participation
in intramural sports.