University of Virginia Library


the act whereby GOD discloses Himself and/or His will to mankind. In JUDAISM, revelation comes through the HEBREW BIBLE, in CHRISTIANITY the HEBREW BIBLE and NEW TESTAMENT contain God's revelation while in ISLAM the QUR'N is the unique revelation of God. HINDUISM associates revelation with ruti or "what is heard" and has increasingly seen this in connection with the VEDAS, UPANISHADS and other religious literature. BUDDHISM treats the sayings of the BUDDHA as a FORM of revelation although it denies the involvement of God while JAINISM denies all SUPERNATURAL sources of revelation. In other TRADITIONS, revelation comes from ANCESTORS and GODS for specific purposes. Traditionally the ABRAMIC religions have claimed that revelation ended with the CANON of their SCRIPTURES. Claims about continuing revelation have led to REVITALIZATION MOVEMENTS and religious REVIVALISM which often provoked the wrath of the ORTHODOX who saw such claims as HERESY. Recently such ideas have become popular in the Christian CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT where PROPHETS and PROPHECY are an increasingly common phenomena.