University of Virginia Library

Sec. 30-2. Numbering and naming streets.

The streets of the city shall retain their present names until
changed by the council.

Main Street shall be the east and west line from which streets
shall be named; those to the north of Main Street, as north, and
those to the south of Main Street, as south, i. e., the portion of
First Street north of Main Street shall be known as North First
Street and that portion south of Main Street shall be known as
South First Street.

The meridian street shall be North First or South First Street,
as indicated by its position north or south of Main Street.

Whether one goes east or west, the streets running so as to
intersect Main Street, actually or by supposed extension, shall be
known by the natural numbers increasing in either direction from
the meridian at First Street, save in the matter of Park Street and
Ridge Street. For example, the first street east of First Street
shall be known as North Second Street, East, or South Second
Street, East, according to whether it is north or south of Main
Street. (Code 1959, § 30-2.)