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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[Young Damon for Delia Sighd]

Young Damon for Delia Sighd
And Long he lovd the Beautious maid
But consious of the sexes pride
To tell his love was still affraid
—When lads and lasses pass'd him by
Opprest the swain would inly mourn
And often to him self would sigh
How sweet's the love that meets return
At length grown bolder by degrees
The swain resolves to tell his pain
Of doubts at once his heart to ease
And meet her pity or disdain


But O the Maid she lov'd her sell
And smiling bid him cease to mourn
And now the happy swain can tell
How sweets the love that meets return
But still the shepherd loves in Fear
And doubts of what he hopes to find
The Maiden proves his love sincere
And gies her hand to ease his mind
Undoubting now the shepherd loves
Both hearts with equal fondness burn
And to his joy he daily proves
How sweets the love that meet[s] return