University of Virginia Library



An ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me . . . The Lord hath need of them.”—St. Matt. xxi. 2, 3.

Omnipotence came down in Love,
Forgat the royal robes, and then
Moved as an equal among men
To lead them from blind ways above;
God, in His boundless heavenly shore,
Still felt a want of something more.
Eternity had failed to fill
The greatness of His gracious Breast,
Which could not in its riches rest
And craved a touch of mortal ill;
Therefore the Potter sought His clay,
Just to be moulded to its way.
Infinity, that knew no bound
And dwelt in Light without a shade,
Stooped to the humblest thing He made,
And help in utter weakness found;
So the Creator in His grief,
Came to the creature for relief.
Perfection once confest a need,
And gathered of the very low
A blessing man could not bestow—
The service of a simple deed;
God, whom the world cannot contain,
Was by His beast throned God again.