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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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“And they sung as it were a new song before the throne.”—Rev. xiv. 3.

What blissful harmonies above
In vocal thunders swell?
The perfecting of joy and love
What raptured legions tell?
The glorious apostolic band,—
Do they in triumph sing?
Do prophets from the Holy Land
Their inspiration bring?
Or from the noble army breaks
The deep, adoring strain,
Who won their way from fiery stakes,
And were for conscience slain?
Is it the patriarchal race
That breathe the sacred song?
Or to the heirs of gospel grace
Do the full choirs belong?


For each, for all, the Word is found
Almighty to atone.
All, all in shining hosts surround
The rainbow-cinctured throne.
Peoples, and languages, and tongues
The choral anthem raise:
To every voice and speech belongs
The work of heavenly praise.