University of Virginia Library


“They are Thine, O Lord, Thou lover of souls; for Thine incorruptible Spirit is in all things.”

What are the pillars that support the skies,
Holding the mirror of heart-cheering blue?
'Tis all-embracing Love that comes to view,
Whose pillars are the prayers of Him Who dies
For good and evil, friends and enemies.
What is the earth, with every form and hue
Through each successive season ever new,
But Love, whose fostering bosom never dries;
Whose adamantine arms are spread beneath,
Sustaining just and unjust until death?
And what are seas majestic as they move,
With moon and stars that sleep upon their breast,
As on the shore they rise, then sink to rest;
What do their mighty throbbings speak but—Love?