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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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45. On a Beggar.
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45. On a Beggar.

Oh! in my bones such a disease doth lurk,
A knavish beggar cry'd, I cannot work:
And afterwards confest it was the Lazies;
We work not for our souls, such our disease is.
Lord, we deserve thy whip, need no curb Bridles,
Who are by nature troubled with the idles.
Beggars we are, whose hourly wants implore
Each Meals relief; we beg at Heavens door,
Give us this day our daily bread; we crave,
God gives it us, we can but ask and have.


Who live upon Gods alms, must not refuse
His reffuse; beggars must not pick and chuse.
That news of Beadles, and their tort'ring whips
Is not the language of Gods angry lips,
Is a rich mercy: Beggars should be humble,
Thou art a Beggar, ah! why dost thou grumble
And murmure at thy God! wilt thou repine
That art sustain'd by Providence Divine?
If the Alms-basket of Gods Providence
We slight, how justly may he say, go hence:
Go hence, proud beggars, with your cursed state
And come no more for Alms at Heaven-gate.
I am a Beggar, Lord, let me partake
Of grace and glory, for Christ Jesus sake.