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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quinto in tactu.
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Quinto in tactu.

The fift sorow was in touchyng,
for al þe places of his body
ffrom hede to hele, bout lesyng,
al was to-torne dispitusly.
And that alle wittes nyet wer,
Bernarde preues apertly,
As I shal rehers ȝou her,
leret & lewide to lerne þer-by.

Bernardus: Caput angelicis tremebundum spiritibus densitate spinarum pungitur, facies pulcra pre filiis hominum sputis Iudeorum deturpatur, oculi lucidiores sole caligantur in morte, aures, que audiunt angelicos cantus, audiunt peccatorum insultus, os, quod docet angelos, felle & aceto potatur, pedes, quorum scabellum adoratur, quoniam sanctum est,


cruci clauo affiguntur, manus, que formauerunt celos, cruce, sunt extense & clauis affixe, corpus verberatur, latus lancea perforatur, et quid plura? Non remansit in eo nisi lingua, vt pro peccatoribus exoraret & matrem discipulo commendaret.

Sayn Bernard first at Cristes hede
bygynnes forto speke expres,
And al þe body nothing is lede
that he ne tellis ich distres
That he tholet, as was sene,
In body & wittes two.
for first hys hede with thornus kene
ful bitterly was stongen tho.
The fairest face þat euer had mon
that time for vs was shamly shent
with sputyng hokerly þer-on,
for monnus hele sich harm he hent.
His eȝen þat wer more cler
then þe sone is in his kynde,
wiht delful dethe made thester wer,
that dele hit ys to haue in mynde.
His eres, that heren angel song,
herden the sinful men gladyng;
that mouthe, that tagh aungeles ymong,
atter and aysel had to drynke.
The fete that so worthy wer
mon cusse the stole thay stonden on
for holines, as he says her,
wiht nayle wer fechet the rode opon.
The hondes, that mad heuen blisse,
on croice wer sprad dyspitouesly
and wihit nayles ficchit amys,
to bryng mon-kynd out of anye.


His body was beten her and ther,
no place laft on hit vntorne,
hys syde was perset wiht a sper,
to releue that wer forlorne.
So nothing laft saue tong onely,
thas he for synful men might pray,
and to bytake hys moder Mary
to hys disciple to kepe that day.