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The Works of Mr Abraham Cowley

Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed: And Those which he Design'd for the Press, Now Published out of the Authors Original Copies ... The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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Against Fruition.

No; thou'rt a fool, I'll swear, if e're thou grant:
Much of my Veneration thou must want,
When once thy kindness puts my Ign'orance out;
For a learn'd Age is always least devout.


Keep still thy distance; for at once to me
Goddess and Woman too, thou canst not be;
Thou'rt Queen of all that sees thee; and as such
Must neither Tyrannize, nor yield too much;
Such freedoms give as may admit Command,
But keep the Forts and Magazines in thine hand.
Thou'rt yet a whole world to me, and do'est fill
My large ambition; but 'tis dang'rous still,
Lest I like the Pellæan Prince should be,
And weep for other worlds hav'ing conquer'd thee;
When Love has taken all thou hast away,
His strength by too much riches will decay.
Thou in my Fancy dost much higher stand,
Than Women can be place'd by Natures hand;
And I must needs, I'm sure, a loser be,
To change Thee, as Thou'rt there, for very Thee.
Thy sweetness is so much within me plac'd,
That shouldst thou Nectar give, 'twould spoil the tast.
Beauty at first moves wonder, and delight;
'Tis Natures juggling trick to cheat the sight,
We 'admire it, whilst unknown, but after more
Admire our selves, for liking it before.
Love, like a greedy Hawk, if we give way,
Does over-gorge himself, with his own Prey;
Of very Hopes a surfeit he'll sustain,
Unless by Fears he cast them up again:
His spirit and sweetness dangers keep alone;
If once he lose his sting, he grows a Drone.