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Professor Dabney.

Mr. Earnest.

Mr. Parrish.

Required for Admission to the Work of the School: The general
entrance requirements, which must include Unit A of history
(p. 82), for admission to this school.

Students with adequate preparation may enter any of the
courses in the School of History at the beginning of any term of the
session, and will receive full credit for the course on completing
the work of the remaining term or terms of the course in question
during some subsequent session.

The following courses are offered:

For Undergraduates.

The undergraduate courses in History will be based not only
upon the idea that "the proper study of mankind is man," and that,
therefore, all important human events, even those of the remote past,
are of interest to human beings, but also upon the idea that every
highly educated man should have an intelligent comprehension of
himself and the age in which he lives—which intelligent comprehension
it is as impossible to gain without a study of the past as it would
be to comprehend thoroughly an oak tree without studying the acorn
from which it sprang as well as the soil, climate and other features
of the environment that have modified its development in the course
of time. The barbarian tribes that overthrew the Roman Empire
were the acorns from which the modern national oaks have sprung;
and the literature, art, and thought of Greece, the law and the imperialism
of Rome, and the Christian religion are the chief influences that
have affected the development of these acorns through the centuries.
No man can have a scientific understanding of himself and the modern
world without a fair knowledge of these things; and every student
who desires such an understanding is therefore advised to take
at least the two courses, B1 and B2, in which they are treated.
Credit will be given for either course separately; and under special
circumstances both courses may be taken simultaneously.

History B1: General History to the close of the Middle Age.—
The chief topics treated will be Greek civilization, Roman imperialism,
the rise and spread of Christianity, Monasticism, the Barbarian
Invasions, the Papacy, the Holy Roman Empire, Feudalism, Mohammedanism,
the Crusades, and the early development of Nationalism
in Europe. (B. A. or B. S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, 10-11. Rotunda, N. W. Professor Dabney.

History B2: Modern History.Course B1, or Units A and B of
(p. 82) prerequisite.—The chief topics treated will be the Renaissance,


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the Protestant Revolution, the Thirty Years' War, the
Puritan Revolution, the development of Spain, France, England
and Prussia, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Empire, and
the leading events of the nineteenth century. (B. A. or B. S. credit,
3 session-hours.) Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11-12. Rotunda,
N. W. Professor Dabney.

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

History C1: History of the United States. Courses B1 and B2
—In addition to a considerable amount of reading, essays
or reports, based upon the sources as well as upon secondary authorities,
will be required. This course is required of students electing
History as one of their subjects for the Master's or Doctor's degree.
It may also be taken as an elective-at-large for the Bachelor's degree.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12-1. Rotunda, N. W. Professor

Primarily for Graduates.

Only one of the two following courses will be given in any one
year. The first is broad and extensive, the second, minute and intensive.

History D1: Courses B1, B2 and C1 prerequisite.—Intellectual,
Moral, Religious and Social Development of Europe.—In addition
to critical discussions of, and written examinations upon a large
number of historical works, a critical essay upon each of them will
be required. Hours by appointment. Professor Dabney.

History D2: Courses B1, B2 and C1 prerequisite.—History of
the Reconstruction of the Southern States. A close study of the
sources as well as of the secondary authorities on this period. Hours
by appointment. Professor Dabney.

For summer-school courses in History, on which college credit
will be allowed, see p. 293.