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Sec. 28-15. Projecting signs.

(a) Signs projecting over a public sidewalk shall not exceed
sixty square feet in area on each side, nor be less than
twelve feet above the sidewalk at the lowest part of the sign,
nor be further than two feet from the face of the wall to
which such sign is attached, measuring from the point of the
sign nearest thereto. No such sign or part thereof shall extend
nearer the curb line than two feet. No part of such sign
erected over a public driveway or an alley shall be less than
sixteen feet above the level of such driveway or alley.

(b) The thickness between the principal faces of any
projecting sign shall not exceed eighteen inches.

(c) Only one projecting sign may be installed for each
main entrance on a street except that one additional projecting
sign may be installed for each secondary public entrance
facing on a street other than the front street. (8-5-63.)